Colorado College  – Corona House Oct 17-2016 v1

A bright fall day at the Corona house near Colorado College. One college student’s bike can been seen locked to the porch rail. Some students walk the short “off campus” distance to the college. Lots ride bikes, and a few drive cars to get a block or two closer. These photos are of the house as it is occupied TODAY, in October of 2016. Please don’t judge the current resident’s treasures, art work. and cleaning style. If you would rather see pristine photos of an empty house, scroll to the bottom of this page.

Here is what this Colorado College student house looks like when completely empty. Most student residents will never see this, because there is almost always furniture and decorations carried over from one year’s group to the next years group. We encourage incoming residents to coordinate with exiting residents to make sure that things they WANT stay, and things they DON’T WANT get removed. Our cleaning crew comes in during the transition time to help with the removal and clean the house. Colorado College students love the feel of this house. It is surrounded by non-student neighbors, so some heavy duty party people pass it by.